Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe – Healthy Snack Option

I’m going to demonstrate how to make Roasted pumpkin seeds recipe because I wanted to demonstrate what you can do with the seeds that you discover inside the pumpkin. I have the seeds from one sweet pumpkin in this bowl.

Pumpkin Seeds Recipe
Pumpkin Seeds Recipe

What are Pumpkin Seeds?

When you eat a pumpkin, you receive hard white seeds, but when you remove the shell or if you buy them directly from your supermarket, you’ll discover that these seeds are small green flat, and oval. Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepita, are a common but underappreciated jewel for humans.


How to roast Pumpkin seeds
Remove Pumpkin seeds to Roast

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds :

Even though pumpkin seeds are little, they are quite nutritious, and just a small number of them can give you a significant amount of good fats. Because of their high levels of magnesium and zinc, pumpkin seeds have been linked to a number of health advantages, including better heart and prostate health as well as defence against several malignancies. Additionally, it is simple to add these seeds into your diet.

So here are the Top 5 Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds as below:

  • Full of antioxidants and nutrients
  • Improves Prostate and Bladder Health
  • Rich source of Magnesium
  • Controls High Blood Sugar Levels
  • Simple and Rich source of Fiber

Once you have all of your seeds, you must clean them. I find the simplest method to do this is to put the seeds into a fine mesh strainer, run them under cold water, and then simply use your fingers to go through and separate the seeds.

Dish Category: Nutritious Food
Cooking Duration: 20-25 minutes
Dish Count: 4 servings

Ingredients for pumpkin seeds recipe

  • Pumpkin seeds, 1/2 cup
  • 1/9 cup olive oil
  • kosher salt, a generous sprinkle

Start Pumpkin Seeds Recipe

  • Once your seeds are clean and ready to go, you just want to dump them out until a nice dry towel spreads them out slightly, and then we want to let them air dry now. the seeds out from any of that orange stringy membrane that’s still attached to them and just work it until you’ve got them all separated and your seeds are nice and clean.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe
Pumpkin Seeds
  • I actually have some pumpkin seeds here that I’ve already dried overnight so I know they’re nice and dry to that end, this step is very crucial because you need the pumpkin seeds to be dry when you cook them up otherwise they’ll end up steaming instead of roasting and we won’t get that crispy crunchy result that we’re looking for.


  • I’m going to add about a half teaspoon of olive oil and a small pinch of kosher salt, and then just mix everything together so that all the pumpkin seeds are coated in the oil and the salt. You could also add a little fresh black pepper, maybe some cumin, a little garlic powder, or play around with the seasonings a bit, but I’m just going to keep it simple and plain for today. Once you have them all seasoned, just spread them out.


  • The seeds from butternut, maize, spaghetti, and pumpkin squashes may all be saved throughout the season and then roasted in large batches. Pumpkin seeds are particularly high in magnesium and zinc, and you can apply this technique to just about any winter squash that is available.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe
Roasting Pumpkin Seeds
  • You’ll know your seeds are ready to go when they start to turn golden brown like this and when you shake them, they’re nice and crispy once the seeds have cooled off, you can either store them right in an airtight container and put them on the counter, where they should last you a couple of weeks, or just enjoy them as is. They’re an anti-inflammatory, and really, guys, it is a whole natural food; after all, it’s a seed, so you know it’s going


  • So now I want to hear from you. Have you ever made roasted pumpkin seeds before? If so, what do you like to do with them? Please share all of your tips and ideas in the comments section below and tell all of your friends about this so we can continue to create articles for you with more easy-to-make, wholesome recipes. Please visit clean and delicious calm, print all of my recipes, save them to your own recipe box, and sign up for my newsletter. I appreciate you reading this far.

FAQs for Pumpkin Seeds Recipe :

Que: What’s the way to eat pumpkin seeds?

Ans: You can eat them raw or you can also roast them, it will take hardly 45-50 minutes for Pumpkin Seeds Recipe. Click here to know more about pumpkin seeds.

Que: Who should not eat these pumpkin seeds ?

Ans: People taking blood thinners should not eat pumpkin seeds still we suggest consulting a doctor.

Que: Pumpkin seeds should be eaten raw or roasted. what do you suggest?

Ans: Raw pumpkin seeds have more nutritional value but if you prefer to taste more then go with roasted pumpkin seeds. Also we publish some tasty restaurant style food recipes in other sections and Paneer Butter Masala is one of the best options for your taste buds.

Que: Is there any side effects of Pumpkin Seeds ?

Ans: Pumpkin seeds have a good quantity of fibre, so if you eat in large amount then you may face gas or bloating issues.

If you want to know detailed benefits of Pumpkin Seeds, you can refer this video.

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