Breakfast Delight – Easy Eggless Pancake Recipe to Try at Home

Japanese Fluffy Pancake recipe is a very famous & I’m making it’s Eggless version. It’s a very superb & simple recipe.& if you have kids at home & they love pancakes, then you can quickly whip up this recipe easily with simple ingredients. Enjoy the flavor of fluffy, egg-free pancakes. Discover a pancake heaven that will dazzle your taste buds: one without eggs.

How Pancake was invented?

Pancakes have been breakfast for several community over the years. There are so many evidence that pancakes been eaten over 30,000 years. It is estimated that cooks in stone age made it from ferns and cattails, mixed into water. & baked it on greased stone. That was very different from today’s pancake but idea was initiate like it.

In Rome and Greece, culture of making [pancake is with wheat flour, milk, honey and olive oil. It got popular in 19th century within United States. So that’s how pancake was invented.

Let’s start with Eggless Pancake Recipe:

  • Prep time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking time: 5 minutes
  • Serves: 10-12 pancakes


  • 1 cup – (Warm)Milk
  • 2 tsp – Vinegar
  • 1 cup – Refined Flour
  • 1/4 cup – Powder Sugar
  • 1 tsp – Baking Powder
  • 1/2 tsp – Baking soda
  • Salt as per taste
  • 2 tbsp (melted) – Butter
  • 1 tsp – Vanilla Essence


  1. First for batter we need buttermilk so in a bowl add mil and vinegar & mix well. Buttermilk will be ready after 2-3 minutes.
  2. Now In a large bowl, add the refined flour, powder sugar, baking powder, and baking soda in a bowl.
  3. Now mix dry ingredients then add buttermilk, butter and vanilla essence. Mix all dry and wet ingredients well.
  4. Whisk batter for few minutes. Don’t over whisk and here fluffy pancake recipe is ready.
  5. Put batter in a piping bag.

For pancake:

  1. Take non stick pan and heat it well.
  2. Once heat, with the help of piping bag pipe it over pan in a small size or as per your preference.
  3. Cook it on medium flame then flip and cook other side of pancake.
  4. Once it becomes golden brown in color. Your delicious pancake is ready.
  5. The pancakes will turn out really fluffy & soft & it’s texture will turn out to be really superb.
  6. In the end I’m going to serve it with powdered sugar, butter & maple syrup & with it I will also serve whipped cream & Nutella. You can serve it with various different options.& you can whip up this pancake recipe within 5 minutes.

FAQs about Pancake recipe:

  • What can I use instead of eggs in pancakes?

There are so many things that can substitute eggs in pancake like buttermilk, vinegar, baking soda, Mashed banana, apple sauce, falx and chia seeds, Carbonated water, yogurt, and commercial egg replacer.

  • Why is it called pancakes?

The dish’s preparation method is possibly where the word “pancake” first originated. “Pan” denotes that the food is prepared in a pan, while the word “cake” refers to something baked or cooked. Combining the two, “pancake” refers to a round, flat cake that has been pan-cooked.

  • Are pancakes healthy?

No, Pancakes are not as it includes high amount of fat. These comfort foods are often made with refined white flour and topped with butter and syrup, which is essentially pure sugar.

  • Are pancakes better than waffles?

Waffles and pancakes both are made of same batter but waffle is little crispier than pancakes.

Also you can make Plum cake by our recipe.

You can watch detailed Pancake recipe video:

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